Monday, September 9, 2013

Critter Pages

I talked the other day about where I get some of my inspirations from, and I mentioned that I'll sometimes see a page someone else created, and CASE (copy and share everything) it exactly, or change out the colors to make it work for me.  One of my Stampin' Sisters (LOVE that term to describe some of the other fabulous Stampin' Up! demonstrators that I've gotten to know!), Sue, posted a cute page on her blog last year of her granddaughter:
When I took my Mom down to the Eagle Learning Center in Wabasha, MN last October, and we met some friends there, I knew exactly the photos I wanted to use on this layout.  But I was doing all of my pages of my visit to the Center in blues/greens/tans, so the red/black on the page above, while striking, wasn't quite what I was going for.  I also want to point out that Sue only used ONE photo for this page.  She just cropped the upper two photos to focus in on her granddaughter's hands!   That is a GREAT trick if you want to create more impact on your page, but don't have a lot of photos to work with!

So, here's the page I came up with:
I absolutely LOVE that the pages each have their own unique feel to them, but the elements on them are basically the same.  Just using different colors/photos/papers can create a whole new look!

Here's a different layout that I had copied from somewhere:
I loved the layout, so when friends of mine got married last year, I turned this same layout into a page documenting part of their special day!  Again, changing out papers/color/photos, and the page has a whole different feel!
So, that's another hint/tip from me.  If you have a layout that you find that you love, re-use it!!

Feel free to check out My Digital Studio and all of Stampin' Up!'s other great stuff in my online store!

Happy Stamping!


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